7:58 PM
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I heard something today I thought was just ridiculous enough to share.
I was watching The Food Network (big shock, I know) and there were all kinds of Christmas promos going on . . one of which was a commercial featuring various Food Network personalities talking about how they spend "The Holidays".
One host - I'm not sure who he was - I've not seen him or his show before; talked about spending Christmas day with his family, lounging around and relaxing. Sounds typical . . then he continued on to say "We don't talk about religion or politics, none of it. ". Yeah - the last thing you should do on the day we celebrate Jesus' birth is talk about religion. Great.
It never fails to amaze me how quick Americans are to take Jesus out of Christmas.
1:49 AM
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Thanksgiving break is always a nice & cruel teaser for the Christmas break to come. I had a great Thanksgiving with my crazy family this past week. Some highlights: meeting my niece, Jocelyn Lia, dominating Guitar Hero, knocking Jessie's lights out in Wii Boxing, hanging out with my family & hearing Noah refer to me as "Rar" all week long. L's and R's are hard for kids to say . . my name is like a cruel joke. Some low points: my first Black Friday shopping experiencing which yielded little more than a pair of shoes and a hat, waiting all week for Madi to have puppies . . . she's still preggo, driving back to Lex in the rain and sleet Sunday night, watching the Colts squeak by the Browns. THE BROWNS?!
I got back to Lexington Sunday night around 8:30 and was so excited to walk in and see our beautiful white Christmas tree glowing in our dark living room. Picture to come soon. Christmas (finally) feels like it's around the corner.
While I was home my sisters and I dealt out "Secret Santa" names for Christmas shopping. Each year we each pick a name and shop for just one sibling (it ain't easy to buy for 4 - way to go, Rick & Deb). In recent years our "Secret Santa" has turned into "I'm not shopping for her - she's too picky - I had her last year - Santa" and we're all pretty vocal about who we won't shop for. That being said, instead of drawing names out of a hat we all basically negotiate with the family for which sister we'd like to shop for and then "call-it" before anyone else can. This year we were detmermined to let it be a surprise. Lisa, Jenna, Kara & I started drawing names at random on Thursday night. About an hour later we resigned to let our Dad arrange the whole thing to make sure Jessie & Adam didn't get each other. We finally got Kara to stop reading everyone's paper slips and were well on our way to hour one of secret keeping.
The next day Adam & Jessie came over and we handed them their slips of paper. I explained, in detail, the events of the night before and how it was imperitive to keep their gift recipient a secret and that they weren't allowed to even tell each other who each had. We made sure no one was looking as they opened their papers and read their names and everyone was happy we were back to the old-school "Secret Santa". Adam had been playing with his iPod and put it aside to open his paper. He pulled it apart, looked at it and said "Oh this is perfect. I have *(@#&$!". Literally less than a minute after I got done telling them how it was a secret this year Adam tells the entire room who he got. Good to know that when I talk he listens, right? So now most of us know who Adam has in addition to who we have, but the rest remain unknown. "Secret-ish Santa". Way to go, Rico.
While I was home I heard a comedian on Comedy Central talking about college - it was so dead on it was hilarious. He mentioned how when you're about to graduate everyone you talk to asks "What are you going to do after you graduate?" His reply? "I think my parents & I will go out to dinner. Oh after that? Yeah - I have no idea." Anyone who has graduated from college will identify with that. I can't tell you how many times people (myself included) pose the question above. "Hey Laura - what are you doing after graduation?" I would love to have a perfect little answer to spew back about where my life is going, where I'll live and what job I'll hold. Maybe I'll just start making stuff up. "I'm moving to Guam where I'll live in a palace and work as a puppet master. Wish me luck!"
I wouldn't consider myself to lie on either end of the planning spectrum. I've definitely got a type A personality, but more-so with current happenings. I'm not an excessive planner, but I'm not one to just sit back and let things happen, either. Anyone in college who is reading this is probably thinking "Big deal - no one knows what job they'll have after they graduate - suck it up." But I feel like my situation is a bit more complicated since I don't have an answer or even an inkling to any of 'em & I'm creeping closer & closer to that diploma. I can see myself living in Lexington a while longer, or moving away. Where? Your guess is as good as mine. As far as professions: I would love to own a dance studio someday, but in the meantime I could see myself teaching dance, being a visual merchandiser, working in marketing , holding a retail position , being a choreographer or having any number of other jobs, but I just don't know what will happen. This isn't a bad problem to have: much better to have too many jobs to choose from than not to like any job you think of.
So many college students get married and find a perfect job right out of school I think people assume you should have your junk together before graduation day. Here's fair warning: I am not one of these people. I like to think I'm not a train wreck, but I've definitely got a lot of growing (up), learning, and experiencing to do before I'll feel like I'm in adulthood. Just ask my sisters. I swear I'm perpetually 17. What? I'm old enough to vote/drink/marry/see R-rated movies? When did that happen?
It's so funny to me that I have friends that are teachers when I feel like we should all still be in high school. It's also hilarious to think about my friends getting a salary and not an hourly wage. See? I'm not 22, really. I still laugh at cuss words, body part names & potty jokes. All the above would be worrisome if I didn't have (awesome) roommates who had the same doubts/worries/immaturities/panic attacks as I do. There's nothing like sitting in our living room late at night posing question after question and answering close to none - then laughing about it all. The closer I get to graduation the more I realize it's ok to have questions and doubts and fears about "the real world" and turning into an adult (which I fear may alread have happened when I wasn't looking). If I had a perfect little plan laid out before me I would probably get bored and move to Brazil to break up the monotony.
Bottom line: I'm thinking about jobs I'd like to have and would be good at & it's been fun/scary/mind boggling imagining the possibilities. (Wow, I sound like a computer commercial)
Hit me up & tell me where I should work - y'all probably have a more rational perspective than I do. Seriously - if you're reading this I want a job proposal. Let's hear 'em. Thanks!