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I'll be the first to admit I couldn't have cared less about politics, the President of the United States, current events or world affairs 8 years ago. My interest was peaked slightly when Bush was up for re-election - too many celebrities telling me to "Vote or Die" and to stand up and do something. Their message wasn't just "Vote or Die" as much as it was "Vote Democratic" - but at least it increased the voting population.

Lately the future of America consumes the majority of my thoughts. There isn't one aspect of this upcoming election that isn't completely mind-boggling to me. Mostly - I think the Democratic ticket is shocking, laughable, and most importantly; terrifying. Go ahead & say it - I know you're thinking it because CNN has branded it onto your brain like a logo . . anyone who doesn't like Barack Obama is a racist. And I'll beat you to the punch on your next zinger, too - anyone who likes Sarah Palin is a bitter, vengeful feminist. Wrong & wrong. Here's why.

Let's start with the man, the myth, the legend . . Obama. How this man got as far into the political arena as he did is beyond me. Qualifications? Minimal. Experience? Minimal. Far left ideals? Off the charts. The simple fact that he is the headliner on the Democratic ticket scares me as an American. This man has the most ridiculous quotes in recent memory floating around major networks and his approval rating is (relatively) steady. His running mate is so crooked and creepy it's shocking. Check these out if you don't believe me . .



Right? Moving on. It's not fair to talk about Obama without addressing the initial inward draw he emanates. His oratory skills are amazing - dude can speak WELL. He has an undeniable "like-ability" factor that is hard to ignore. He's got a good looking family, something I find petty and superfluous when choosing the next leader of America . . but for some looks matter (ask CNN or Hollywood). Picture this - he takes the stage - the crowd roars - Oprah cries - celebrities everywhere stop rolling around in the money to listen to "a change we can believe in" speak. Sounds good as he starts - powerful voice, charismatic personality that draws you in. You wait, and wait, and wait - but it never happens. Sorry, folks - if you want to know what this man - candidate for President of the United States - actually STANDS for - you'll have to dig deep. So deep in fact, one starts to wonder if Obama himself even knows. It's hard to gain much from his speaking engagements aside from the fact that America is ready for a change, Oprah can't keep her dang false eyelashes in place, the Iraq war is ridiculous, the U.S. economy is in shambles, and George W. Bush has driven America into the ground. Really? So the economy hasn't grown 19% since Bush has taken office? Yeah - the Wall Street Journal, World Bank, and Capital Economics have clearly made a mistake. All of them . . the same mistake. Simultaneously. That has to be it.

“U.S. output has expanded faster than in most advanced economies since 2000. The IMF reports that real U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) grew at an average annual rate of 2.2% over the period 2001-2008 (including its forecast for the current year). President Bush will leave to his successor an economy 19% larger than the one he inherited from President Clinton. This U.S. expansion compares with 14% by France, 13% by Japan and just 8% by Italy and Germany over the same period.”

So what else, you ask, does Obama stand for? He's got a clear stance on abortion: the more, the merrier. In fact - this guy is so enthusiastic about abortion - he's decided to give doctors everywhere a "get out of jail free card" if you will. No need for abortion doctors everywhere to make sure they finish their disgusting, reprehensible deed without a hitch - because Obama thinks that if a baby survives a botched abortion it is the doctor & hospital's duty to leave the baby unattended until it dies from partial birth abortion complications. Three times Obama voted for this bill. Three times. This from the man who said he wouldn't want his daughters punished with a baby.

"When it comes specifically to HIV/AIDS, the most important prevention is education, which should include -- which should include abstinence education and teaching the children -- teaching children, you know, that sex is not something casual. But it should also include -- it should also include other, you know, information about contraception because, look, I've got two daughters. 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby. I don't want them punished with an STD at the age of 16. You know, so it doesn't make sense to not give them information."

Punished. Punished by having unprotected, premature, ill-prepared for, uneducated, irresponsible sex resulting in an STD or a baby. In Obama's eyes they're the same.
Next up? Sex education. Sit down, stop clapping & wait for it. Sex education . . . starting in kindergarten. Still doesn't sound horrible, right? That's because you're not getting the whole picture. 5 year olds in classroom - what "sex education" could possibly benefit such young children. Barely past TODDLER-HOOD. Well - Obama would like them to be taught about homosexuality, masturbation, marriage and sexual intercourse. 5 year olds. The same 5 year old you see running around talking about Sesame Street, Santa Clause & Superman should be getting sex ed at school. In Kindergarten. If you'd like to read more about this absurd curriculum endorsed by Obama the link is below.


Quick recap thus far: pro-choice & pro-infanticide, supports 5 year old sex ed, anti-responsibilities & anti-repercussions.

There are so many more issues to touch on - health care, economy, oil dependency, tax plans, foreign policy - the list goes on & on. I could, too. I'll make it quick.

Health Care: Does he know anything about the horrendous health care systems in Canada & Europe? & still wants to employ public health care in the U.S.?

Economy: 500 million new jobs? Perfect - where is all that money to generate new jobs coming from? Scroll down.

Oil Dependency? Don't worry - just inflate your tires more. Oh, & we'll harness wind energy, too - somehow. Just inflate your tires.

Tax plans? My personal favorite. Bottom line? Anyone who makes more that $250,000 annually clearly stole, inherited or cheated their way to their fortune does not deserve it. Let's go ahead and take it from them & give it to the "less fortunate". Socialism, anyone?

Foreign Policy: Iraq, Iran & Afghanistan are "minimal threats".

A few other quick mentions for the Obama camp: Michelle Obama is "finally" proud of her country for the first time because her husband is running for President? Really, Michelle? You weren't proud on September 11 , 2001 as countless police officers, firefighters and rescue workers gave their lives to help rescue the lives of others? You weren't proud to think about the thousands of men and women overseas giving their lives to protect ours? You haven't been proud of how our country came together after September 11th & Hurricane Katrina to help one another rebuild homes, memories and lives?

On a somewhat related note - I think all the Obama celebrity endorsements are hilarious. Why celebrities feel like they have any authority on politics is beyond me - these are people who get payed to pretend. Yeah - they're at the top of my political advising list. My personal favorite has been Matt Damon - who can been seen in a full on meltdown all over youtube. This guy has come to the realization most Democrats are running into lately - the complete self-destruction of their hope for the Presidency. Check it out - hilarity will ensue.


I planned to talk about McCain & Palin too - but this post is already far too long - so I'll save that for another day. That's a promise, folks.

I realize this post is crazy long - and if you've made it this far you deserve a cookie or something. Way to go! There's still time left - time to learn the issues, time to uncover the real candidates, time to debate and time to decide. I think it's pretty clear that my mind is made up. I honestly don't know how anyone could vote for Obama after learning just one of any of the crazy far left issues he stands for - let alone the whole package deal. Morally speaking I would love to talk to someone who doesn't see a problem with Obama getting their vote. That said; if you're a Democrat reading this and would like to enlighten me on my obvious misunderstanding of Barack Obama I have just one thing to say.

Bring it on.