8:07 PM
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The most random & uncomfortable situation happened a few weeks ago. A friend and I met at Applebee's for dinner and were taken to a table. Our table was close to the bar, but separated from the bar area by a half-wall and a railing. My friend Emily & I sat down and almost immediately things got uncomfortable. There were three people sitting at the table positioned perpendicular to ours - separated only by the half-wall and railing. Emily sat with her back to this table but I could see the it's occupants. Seated at this table was a middle-aged couple and a man who looked to be about 45 or 50. This man had a silver mullet down to the middle of his back and had no more than half of his teeth. Hey - I'm not judging his oral hygiene - I'm just stating the facts.
Emily & I sit down and this mulleted-wonder leans his head in between the railing, takes a few deep sniffs toward us, and says "Mmmm somethin' smells gooood!" Wow. Really, sir? As if one time weren't horrendous enough - this continued for about 5 more minutes as the couple at this man's table prodded him onward. I wish I could say we had a quick witted response for his awkward advances - but thats not the case. Eventually his attention wandered back to his beer. That meal ended with the waiter dropping a tray of glasses down the side of my body. It's a good thing he hadn't been giving us refills as often as he should have been because the glasses only had ice in them & damage was minimal. Way to go, Applebee's.
I found myself in another awkward situation in my very own front yard. The weather in Lexington has been gorgeous lately, so I decided to take advantage of it and wash my car in the driveway. So there I was, soaped up in my bikini a la Jessica Simpson . . ohh wait. I was about halfway through washing my car when a woman in a big SUV pulled up in front of my house and rolled her window down. I didn't immediately look up, but when she started speaking I glanced up. "Oh my husband would just love you!" I said nothing . . I just stood there holding a running hose and a soapy sponge with a look of bewilderment on my face. Seeing my discomfort the woman stumbled deeper into awkward by saying "I mean because you're washing a car . . ." At this point I started to feel bad for her so I managed a half smile . . but still had no words for her. Then she said "I mean because you're out here taking the initiative to wash your car . . . Ok. Well have a good day!" Her window rolled up as she drove down the street and left me confused with dried soap suds on half of my car. Awesome. Thank you, ma'am.
I'm sure there are more awkward interactions to come . . . stay tuned.
11:01 PM
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This past weekend my younger sister Jenna came to visit! She's so sweet - the whole thing was a complete surprise. Friday morning I had just gotten out of the shower and was getting ready in my bathroom when my phone rang. Jenna rarely (never) calls so I answered out of curiosity. She asked me if exit 108 was my exit. After a long pause I said "Wait, what?" Hilarious. We hung out around Lexington Friday night . . we ate deep fried pickles, saw "Twilight" for one dollar, and Jenna fell in love with Edward Cullen.
Saturday we headed out to the mall and passed through campus to see if there was a hockey game. What are the odds - UK vs Indiana that night. Bring. It. On. Kentucky hockey games don't start 'til midnight - which left us with all kinds of time to kill. We made our way to Sephora where Jenna did a full make-over on herself. It entertained us for a good portion of the afternoon. Then we hit up the pretzel stand. Mall pretzels might be one of my favorite foods. My last meal could consist of mall food and I would be entirely happy. Dippin' Dots, a pretzel, German roasted almonds & a strawberry crush smoothie. Can a meal get better than that? I submit that it cannot.
Midnight finally rolled around and Jenna, Kristina & I jumped in my hooptie toward the Lexington Ice Center. After a minor detour via my GPS (Out in the middle of the fields? Really? THAT'S where it thinks the Lexington Ice Center is? Perfect.) We made it to the hockey game in between the first and second periods . . around 12:45 am. UK hockey games are quite an experience - the crowd consists of easily excitable coed drunks, children, middle aged hockey fans . . and pretty much everyone in between. We found (what we thought were) great seats - 2nd row just off of center ice and settled in for the chilly action. When we sat down we didn't immediately notice the elderly man standing with his back to the ice gazing up and around at the crowd with a strangely suspicious look on his face. This guy was (at best) in his 70's in full on winter gear - hat, flannel jacket & gloves. His gloves & glasses were both on strings (awesome).
Kentucky's hockey rink is set up such that the crowd sits on one side of the rink & the other side is almost flush against the wall. The teams & coaches sit on that side with a DJ type set up int he middle. This particular night there were 4 overly enthusiastic middle aged men in charge of music for the night and they were just as entertaining as the hockey game itself. One in particular was hilarious. He was probably around 5'7, completely bald and overweight. This guy acted like every song that played was his personal anthem. He was rockin' it out complete with air guitar strums, fist pumps, and pointing to the crowd while cupping one ear. So funny. Apparently it was 80's night because he played every hit from that decade while we were there.
A few minutes into the 2nd period he decides to play "Jump Around" by House of Pain. The crowd was dancin' and lovin' it . . but hockey time outs are quick - so just about 30 seconds of the song played. As the game got back into motion the elderly gentlemen in front of me turned around with a very serious look on his face and quietly said "Do you know the name of the song that just played?" I was a little surprised by the question so I slowly replied "Um . . yeah. 'Jump Around'." He nodded and turned around. About 10 or 15 minutes later the man turns back around and says "Do you know who sings that song?". I'm not proud of this - but I have extensive music knowledge that should undoubtedly be taken up by more important things . . but I digress. I told him I'd think about it and let him know if I thought of the name of the group. ("Whats the name of your group? The sanasas." Anyone? Anyone?) After shuffling through my music database I determined "House of Pain" was the group in question so I informed my new 80's hip hop loving friend of the facts. "House . . of . . Pain?!" he asked. "Yes," I replied. Then the cutest thing happened. This old man slipped off one of his gloves . . and pulled out a piece of paper from his shirt pocket . . followed by a pencil . . and wrote down "Jump Around: House of Pain". Then he looked up at me and said "Well I'm sure the librarian will be able to find it." Awe. Some.
The hockey game was droning on . . and it was nearing 2:30 am. Indiana was up 3-2 so the girls and I decided to leave with 2 minutes left to beat the crowds. Lucky us . . just as we get out the doors we hear the crowd cheer. Kentucky scored with a minute left to tie the game. I was a little sad we missed it - but it ended in a tie which is all-together disappointing. No sports fan is ever ok with a tie. The teams may as well never have played at all. Worthless.
So that was my fun-filled weekend with Jenna (my favorite sister). Thanks for coming to see me, Jen! Let's trade cars soon, ok? :)
Coming soon: I get smelled by a 60 year old country mulleted man in an Applebee's. Ew.
7:06 PM
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"25 Random Things" has swept Facebook. Too bad for my I wrote my list early on . . . then thought of much funnier random things about myself. Lucky for you I'm writing another one.
1. I put cayenne pepper on 80% of everything I eat. Soup, sandwiches, pizza, salads . . . everything tastes better when its spicy. I even made "chipotle chocolate chip cookies" once . . much better in theory.
2. My mom once gave me a pair of Hanukkah socks for Christmas. I thought it was intentional, but when I asked her about it she had no idea. "Oh! I thought those were just regular stars."
3. The only time I've ever had a boyfriend around Valentine's day was in 7th grade. His name was Nick. I bought him a bag of football shaped chocolates at the mall . . . and then broke up with him a few days before the 14th. I ate the chocolates.
4. I've passed out far too many times to count. A few of my personal faves include an ear piercing at the mall, during pre-surgery questioning & shots, in ballet class, playing the oboe, a self-inflicted gun wound (see # 7).
5. When I was 19 I worked for a summer at a tanning salon. One day a woman and her daughter came in asking for a job application. I handed it over & the mom told me her daughter was only 15. She was wondering if her daughter's age would be a problem & I explained that anyone under 16 could get a work permit signed by their parents to get a job. The woman nodded as I explained it before she asked "Ohh - so that's how you work here, then?" 19, people. I was 19.
6. In 8th grade a boy named Jackson sat behind me in tech ed. Jackson pulled strands of my hair out of my head every day for an entire semester. I would always whip around and tell him to knock it off - and he would just laugh his head off. Eventually I stopped feeling it - either the nerve endings in my head died or he started pulling stray hairs off of my shirt. On the last day of tech ed Jackson tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to see a CLUMP of my hair strands taped together. Weirdest day of my life.
7. One summer I was in my backyard target shooting with a bb gun. I was pumping the gun after I reloaded it and my hand slipped; forcing the barrel of the gun up and cracking me in the middle of the forehead. A few things happened simultaneously after that. My head busted open, I dropped the gun, grabbed my head, started crying & my mom ran in the house yelling "Help! Laura hit herself in the head with the gun! Help!". My dad came flying outside thinking I had SHOT myself in the head. It wasn't a huge cut but it bled for a while. I probably should have had stitches . . but now I have a sweet forehead scar that I can attribute to a gun. Makes me sound pretty hardcore.
8. One Christmas morning as my sisters and I were running into the living room to open presents I accidentally tripped over/kicked our dog Madi. I still think it's coincidental, but we took her to the vet the next day and she had a broken leg. I felt bad about it for a while . . but now I'm over it. I've been super nice to her ever since to make amends.
9. The year the Colts won the Superbowl I wore two jerseys (Manning & Harrison) during every game starting with the playoffs. I'd like to think I had a little somethin' to do with the winning season & I'm still waiting to hear back on my Superbowl ring request.
10. Listening to women talk about labor & delivery makes me feel queasy. One time my sister Jessie, my mom & I were driving from Bloomington home and I made them change topics because I felt woozy. (Sorry Jes.)
11. I think the Chuck Taylor shoe trend in weddings is funny. I'm sure the first groom who decided to have his groomsmen wear them was original, but now it's just silly. Guys do it now to be different, but so many guys do it that soon it'll be as popular as dress shoes. Unless it fits the bride & groom (which is rare) it's just a strange amendment to make to wedding wear.
12. I always sleep with a heavy Maglite Flashlight next to my bed. It's about a foot long and I'm fairly certain I could knock someone out with it. Here's to hoping none of my roommates ever sneak in my room for a late-night prank . . I can pretty much guarantee it won't end with laughter.
13. My hands are always shaky. Certain triggers worsen the velocity of shakiness including working out, public speaking, dancing, and nerves.
14. For reasons beyond my control and outside my understanding . . a few boys in my youth group referred to me as "Dog Pee" for a a period of about a year. I probably should have been offended . . but it was pretty hilarious.
15. I used to have OCD tendencies with random things. When I was in high school I would write words people said on my leg with my finger, count my turn signal blinker and try to get it to click 25 times before I turned, and count syllables of words. None of this prevented me from living a normal life, so it must have been a mild case.
16. In my high school math class the teacher pushed two desks together, and we all had a math partner for the semester. I was paired with a boy named Peter who called me "Bunny Rabbit". He would steal my assignments, erase my name from the top and write "Bunny Rabbit" in its place. Anytime I raised my hand to ask a question Peter would say "Mr. Edwards! Bunny Rabbit has a question! Call on Bunny Rabbit!" The whole class thought it was pretty funny . . mostly because they didn't have to sit next to Peter.
17. I hate winking. People found this out & somehow relayed the message to a strange boy at youth group camps. He would wink at me every time we saw each other. It got weirder & weirder.
18. "Jon & Kate Plus 8" just might be the most intolerable television show on currently. It used to be cute - adorable kids runnin' around bein' crazy interspersed with random interviews with the parents, but now it's focused more on the parents & I find Kate grating, demanding, anal retentive & completely disrespectful of her husband. I also think Jon should grow a pair and stand up for himself.
19. I can't ever imagine becoming a morning person. I get my second wind around 10 pm and will often throw in a load of laundry, clean the kitchen or start organizing my room then. Ideally, I will have a job where I can work from home in the wee morning hours.
20. I have never seen any Star Wars movies. I'm not interested in them & you can't make me watch them.
21. I like liking music & tv shows that aren't mainstream. I loved "The Office" until it became a bandwagon show - now it's terrible. I loved Barnes & Wertz until they started signing with record labels & pimpin' out their fans for promotional support. "Click This!" "Sign up for this!" "Go here!" "Vote for this!" Boo!
22. I could drive from Lexington to Indianapolis through Cincinnati blindfolded. Absolutely. You wanna ride shotgun?
23. I used to love skiing, but I'm scared to go again because on my last ski trip catastrophe struck. One of my good friends was an EXCELLENT skier, grew up on the slopes with her family. She was on a black diamond course in Wisconsin . . and she skied into a ski-lift support pole. She ruptured nearly every organ in her body, broke her hip and a bunch of her ribs, shattered her shoulder and her pelvic bone. It was awful. Ever since then I've stuck to backyard sledding. I did try to snowboard once, but I spent more time moping on my butt then actually snowboarding.
24. In 4th grade I threw a pretzel at a boy sitting one table away from me. Due to my impeccable aim, I missed the boy and hit a girl in the back of the head. I yelled at my friends to play it cool, and the girl got up and told on the mystery pretzel assailant. The teacher scanned the cafeteria for the villain but found no guilty eyes, so she sent the whiny girl back to her table. After lunch was recess, and I was approached by a teacher who told me she knew I had thrown the pretzel. Some of my friends had told on me because "it was the right thing to do". I had to spend the entire recess standing up against a brick wall. Sometimes friends suck.
25. I love getting pedicures, but the occasion is instantly ruined if a man is the one administering it. I feel super awkward & they ALWAYS make inappropriate jokes. True story: My roommate & I went for pedicures in Lexington last year. We walk in & take our seats at the foot bath/reclining massage chairs from heaven and a guy walks over and takes a seat in front of me. I immediately clutch a magazine and raise it to cover my face to hide my impending embarrassment. My roommate got really chatty with the girl doing her nails, and the guy kept making comments about how I was shy and quiet. When the pedicure progressed to the lotion phase, the guy squirted no less than half of the bottle on my legs and began to massage it in. I lowered my magazine for a second and we made awkward eye contact as he asked me "Is the pressure ok?" So I replied "Yeah, it's fine." A pervy smile crept across his face and he said "Ohhh, so you like it rough?" Wow. There goes your tip . . along with my pleasant attitude.
7:51 PM
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Last week Lexington got hit by a crazy winter storm. The governor has called it "the worst disaster in the history of Kentucky". Hundreds of thousands of people went days without power and somewhere around 15 people died from hypothermia or carbon monoxide poisoning. We got about 2 inches of ice followed by around 6 inches of snow - which made for heinous outdoor conditions. My roommates & I almost went crazy being stuck in our house for so long - but we were lucky enough to have electricity the entire week. Praise God!
One night when things were particularly bad . . we sat in our living room putting together a puzzle of wedding festivities in pioneer days. Our background noise of choice was a Justin
Timberlake concert DVD which may have hindered our timeliness. Hilarious.
Here's our lovely finished puzzle.

Watching the icicles accumulate was astonishing.

I wasn't exaggerating when I said 2 inches of ice.

Trees everywhere were bent toward the ground falling under the enormous weight of ICE!

Here's my sweet antenna completely covered. Excellent.
Ahh! My grill! Iced out - just the way I like it.

Little bit of icy build up on my mirrors . .

My car looked like it had been hit by some super-villain who ices things over with their breath.

This was no pansy storm . . we got it bad.

Love this picture . . .

Everything looked BEAUTIFUL! (Dangerous & potentially deadly . . but beautiful, nonetheless)

Everything had thick layers of ice and snow for days . . it was like living in Narnia.

I finally got a snowy stretch of winter in Lexington!

So many branches cracked & fell . . . no wonder thousands lost power.
Woohoo! Tuesday off for me! :)

Ice build up was a little bit serious.

Side view of the
lawn chair . . and icicle daggers.

As I write this it's snowing outside & schools are cancelling classes for tomorrow. Within the span of 1 hour today I saw two car crashes in my neighborhood - the majority of people in Lexington drive like fools in snow. On my way home today I literally drove no faster than 5 miles per hour the long way through my neighborhood to avoid one of the crashes. I'm all about winter . . but I have learned it's a conditional love. I love snow, ice and cold weather ONLY if I'm not obligated to be anywhere but on the top of a hill with a sled or near a fireplace
sippin' hot chocolate. On that note . . I'm gonna go blow dry my numb fingers on high 'til they regain feeling.