Come Around . . .
2:19 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Not a long one today - just random things goin' on as of late.
- Obamas up in the polls . . but G.W. was also down by about 10 points at this point in both the '00 and '04 elections. Stay strong, McCain!
- My facebook status has successfully peeved a number of people who take politics personally. I have been deleted from friend lists for saying Obama is a socialist. I stand by it - he is. If Obama wins I will gladly make a bumper sticker saying "Don't blame me - I voted McCain/Palin"
- Fall weather seems to be coming to Lex - mid 60's starting tomorrow! Woot!
- My landlord called me & said she wants to bring pizza and beer over so we can all "talk and drink" sometime. Ohhh if she only knew us. Let's just hope she doesn't show up one day expecting it to happen - things could get awkward.
- We've had our AC turned off for the past few weeks - anticipating fall & a cheaper electric bill . . . too bad it's been in the 80's and our house is blazing hot mid-day.
- I've had crazy dreams lately . . shark attacks, new age toaster ovens, front row seats for Sarah Palin speeches . . you name it.
- The debate tonight is crucial - - McCains gotta open up a can on Obama & his shady past & incompetence or it could be over.
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