Picture Perfect...

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We started the day off with plenty of excitement - at least from Jenna.

First set in the window: left to right: Laurie, Jenna, Me, Kristina.

Some random lady pushing a child in a stroller admiring me. This happened a lot. (I kid, I kid)

I'm perfectly happy - I promise. The sun was in our eyes the whole time we were in the windows so for most of the pictures we look miserable & squinty.

This guy confused me. (Or the sun is still in my eyes).

T-Cloud & I after our first window modeling experience! Ready for dress #2!

The three of us after dresses #2. My dress had a ton of bling & I had a huge necklace & earrings & a veil on. Woah. Bridal overkill!

Me & my sweet roommates! Here come the brides!

You didn't think wearing wedding dresses would make us act normal, did you?

Jenna & T-Cloud before our last time in the window. Lookin' good, ladies. :)

Sarah, Kristina & I after a concert in Georgetown KY. There was a perfectly cute fall set up in front of the courthouse. How could we resist? Exactly.


Sarah said...

Y'all are so beautiful! Love the wedding dress pics! Hope the studying went well - and the test!